Our Perfect Fit Guarantee
When your truck is down and you need a fuel tank to get on the road again we take every step possible to get one to you quickly and just as importantly – one that fits perfectly.
That’s why Propower is the only supplier in the industry with a perfect fit guarantee.
The Guarantee Details
Before we ship your tank we’ll send you drawings so you can compare dimensions with the one you currently have. This will give both you and Propower a high degree of confidence the tank we are about to ship is the one you need.
If we make a mistake and it turns out you get a tank that doesn't quite match we'll make it right for you at our expense. We'll even pay the return shipping and replace the tank or adjust it if feasible, or if you prefer we'll refund your money. Either way – it's your call.
“When you order Metal Tanks™ from Propower all risk is removed.”