Behind Cab Spring Mounting Kit Instructions
1. Place the reservoir in its position behind the cab. Mark the frame at the points the reservoir mounting angles cross the frame.
2. Using a straight edge, align each 3 x 4 x 1/4 mounting angle with the top of the frame. The 4" leg of this mounting angle will be against the frame at the positions marked in step 1. Clamp the mounting angle in place and drill the mounting angle and frame to accommodate a minimum of two, (total of eight) 3/8" grade 5 bolts on each mounting angle.

3. Place the hydraulic reservoir on the frame to insure alignment with the four mounting angles you just bolted to the frame and clamp in place while drilling these holes. Drill a 17/32" hole through the reservoir bracket and spring kit mounting angles in 4 places.

4. Lift the reservoir and insert the four 1/2 x 2" diameter rubber mounting pads between the hydraulic reservoir bracket and the top of the spring kit mounting angle. Align with each of the four holes drilled in step 3.

5. Find each of the spring mounting bolts and install the flat washer supplied and then push one bolt down through each of the 4 mounting holes.

6. Place the spring on the bolt, then the 1/2" flat washer provided and spin the 1/2" self-locking nut on the bolt but do not tighten yet. Repeat in 4 locations.

7. With a wrench, hold each mounting bolt heads in turn and tighten the self-locking nut until the spring starts to compress. Using a dime as a gauge, ensure there is a gap between the coils of the springs. Do not over-compress the springs.